Plant Details

Medium - Bright Indirect Light
This plant will thrive and grow the strongest in a bright indirect light , but is somewhat flexible and will be happy in a dappled medium light.

Moderate Watering
Keep the soil fairly moist at all times, allowing the top few inches of soil to dry between watering. Increase watering frequency with increased light.

Not Pet-friendly
This plant is NOT safe for pets.
More Info
The Cordatum Philodendron is a classic trailing houseplant that provides endless home design options with easy care. These philodendrons will be happy in almost any space and can be hung from hooks, placed on a shelf, tacked along your wall, kept in water, cut back to stay full and bushy. The design options are truly endless, one of the many reasons why these are one of our go to plant varieties for every room in our homes.
The Cordatum loves regular watering and prefers soil that is fairly moist, so allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry between waterings and boost them with humidity. In general a bright indirect light encourages fast and full growth, and a darker light leads to slower growth and slightly less full leaves. The darker the leaf variety, the more low light tolerant they will be. Protip: These plants are great for propagating. Take cuttings from your trailing plant and place in water with rooting hormones, repot your cuttings when there are 2-3 inches of roots.