Plant Details

Bright Indirect Light
Keep this plant in a bright sunny spot where it will receive lots of light, but little no to harsh direct light.

Drought Tolerant
Allow the soil to dry completely and stay dry before watering fully, as infrequently as once every other week or once a month. Increase watering frequency with increased light.

This plant is safe for your pets!
More Info
The String of Hearts is a dainty and delicate succulent-like trailing plant with plump heart shaped leaves, deep green coloring, and purple vines. They love sunny, bright, indirect light, but will quickly burn in any lighting too harsh. They prefer soil that is about ⅔ dry between waterings. If the heart shaped leaves start to lose their plumpness or start to wrinkle, you know it is ready for some water.
Our favorite way to propagate these plants is through water propagation. Simply take a cutting from the vine and place in room temperature water, and replace the water weekly until roots begin to form. Once established roots have grown, you can pot directly into the original plant or a new pot. This is the perfect trailing plant for your hanging basket or to cascade off of a shelf.