Plant Details

Medium - Bright Indirect Light
This plant will thrive and grow the strongest in a bright indirect light, but is somewhat flexible and will be happy in a dappled medium light as well.

High / Frequent
Keep the soil of this plant moist at all times, but not soggy. Check in throughout the week and give water as needed when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. Increase watering frequency with increased light.

This plant is safe for your pets!
More Info
The Heart Fern has heart shaped leaves and fuzzy stems, making it an adorable flexible plant. They are tolerant to lower light spaces, are happiest in a medium to bright dabbled light, and do not like direct sunlight that will burn itโs leaves. They prefer the soil to be moist at all times, and appreciate humidity. You can also increase the humidity around your fern by grouping it with other tropical plants, placing it on a pebble tray, using a humidifier, or by using a fine mist spray bottle to mist the plant directly. Protip: Treat yellowing leaves by trimming them back and allowing more of the soil to dry before watering again.