Plant Details

Medium - Bright Indirect Light
This plant will thrive and grow the strongest in a bright indirect light, but is somewhat flexible and will be happy in a dappled medium light.

Moderate Watering
Allow the top few inches of soil to dry between watering, keeping the soil mostly moist at all times. Increase watering frequency with increased light.

Not pet-friendly
This plant is NOT safe for pets.
More Info
The anthurium "flamingo flower” offers continuously colorful and vibrant flowers while requiring minimal maintenance. This plant will be happy in medium to lower light. However brighter spaces will produce more new blooms and maintain vibrant colors. Native to the Tropical regions of South America, this plant appreciates higher humidity levels. Anthuriums prefer to dry a bit in between waterings. If you are experiencing any yellowing leaves on your plant, it may be a sign that it needs more time to dry between waterings.