Plant Details

Medium - Bright Indirect Light
This plant will thrive and grow the strongest in a bright indirect light , but is somewhat flexible and will be happy in a dappled medium light as well.

High / Frequent
Keep the soil of this plant moist at all times, but not soggy. Check in throughout the week and give water as needed when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. Increase watering frequency with increased light.

Not pet-friendly
This plant is not safe for pets.
More Info
The plant that brings us the most wonderful gift; coffee. Your at home coffee plant may not turn your home into the next coffee producing farm, however once mature, your plant will begin to bloom in the springtime. The blooms produce small white flowers and dark berries that hold a couple of beans each. Keep your coffee plant in medium to bright light, and keep its environment moist and humid, just like the tropics it originates from.