Plant Details

Bright Indirect Light
Keep this plant in a bright sunny spot where it will receive lots of light, but little no to harsh direct light. Can begin to handle a few hours of more direct sunlight as it matures and gets older.

Drought Tolerant
Allow the soil to dry completely and stay dry before watering fully, as infrequently as once every other week or once a month. Increase watering frequency with increased light.

Not Pet-friendly
This plant is NOT safe for pets.
More Info
These loved best selling succulents are trailing, dainty, cute, and fast growing in the right conditions. Like other succulents, they love a bright but indirect light, but can be a bit more particular. They can get sunburnt in direct sunlight, and will not be happy in a lower light space. With sensitive small roots, these plants require very little watering and can be watered just enough to moisten the soil without making it soggy or wet.
This plant is easy to propagate by cutting a strand, removing the first few pods at the cut end, and then placing in room temperature water with rooting hormone to grow roots. Protip: To make sure the sensitive roots get adequate watering, keep the String of Pearls in a tighter pot with succulent/cactus specific soil.